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  • turned 26 health insurance

    Turned 26 

    Joe who just turned 26 years old and getting off his parents health insurance plan. Joe can check for eligibility to receive subsidy based on his income for the current year.

  • chnge income health insurance

    Change in Income

    Marcus recently had a change in income and needed to check for his Medicaid Eligibility.

  • lost coverage health insurance

    Lost Coverage

    Mary lost her employer’s coverage and she needs an equivalent coverage since she takes a prescription medication.

Who is this for?

Individuals and Families can apply for these ACA plans during open enrollment or Special Enrollment Period. You can filter plans that are accepted by your doctors and cover your prescriptions.

Qualifying Life Events that allow you to enroll in a health insurance plan

Birth / Adoption / Foster Care

You have 60 days to enroll or change your health insurance plan due to adoption. Please make sure to contact us within 60 days to make changes.


You have 60 days from the date you get married to change, or enroll in a health insurance plan. You either choose to add your spouse to your health insurance coverage, get added to your spouse health insurance plan, or enroll in a new health insurance plan. Contact us within 60 days

Permanent Move

If you move to a new address within the same state or a different state you are qualified to change your health insurance plan based on a special enrollment period.

Loss of Coverage (due to COBRA)

You are eligible to enroll in a health insurance plan when you lose your COBRA coverage, end your COBRA coverage, or when COBRA expires. You have 60 days from the loss date to enroll in a health insurance plan.


ICHRA and QSEHRA: If you are employer started to offer a health reimbursement arrangement, you are eligible to enroll in a health insurance plan. Contact us or your employer for more information.


Consumer protections and benefits provided by the ACA include

  • Providing coverage for people with pre-existing conditions
  • Eliminating annual and lifetime dollar limits on health insurance coverage
  • Providing free preventive care
  • Allowing young adults to remain on their parents’ plans until they are 26 years old
  • Allowing people to compare health insurance coverage options before selecting a plan
  • Providing premium tax credits to people who qualify to help lower health insurance costs
  • Increasing access to Medicaid

Major Medical Coverage For ACA Plans


Rehab Services

ACA health insurance plans offer coverage for rehab services such like: physical therapy. speech therapy, and behavioral therapy. Chiropractor visits are covered with limit on number of visits.


Dental & Vision for Children

Dependent children under 19 years old have dental and vision coverage included in the health insurance plan. No additional premium is needed for this coverage. Adults must enroll in a separate dental and vision plan if they want coverage.


Maternity & Newborn

Your ACA health insurance plan covers pregnancy pre-natal and post-natal visits. Labor and delivery and the newborn medical services. You can add your newborn to your plan as well after delivery.


Pre-Existing Conditions

The health insurance plans offered on the marketplace follow the ACA rules where all pre-existing conditions are covered. The monthly premium is NOT calculated based on pre-existing conditions.


Pre-Existing Conditions

The health insurance plans offered on the marketplace follow the ACA rules where all pre-existing conditions are covered. The monthly premium is NOT calculated based on pre-existing conditions.

How to cancel my health insurance

You can cancel your health insurance plan by contacting your health insurance agent, call the marketplace, or the insurance company directly.

Find health insurance broker list

Go to Contact us page, submit a request to be contacted by a licensed health insurance agent in your state. Or simply schedule a call directly.

Independent Health Insurance brokers near me

Working with an independent health insurance broker is the best option to secure a good health insurance coverage. Independent health brokers work with multiple insurance carriers which helps you secure good health coverage

Lapse in health insurance between jobs penalty

There is no penalty for lapse in health coverage between jobs. However, you have 60 days special enrollment period to find and enroll in a health insurance plan after losing health coverage due to job loss. 

Achieved National Recognition

Recognized by CMS for helping more than 100 clients enroll in a Marketplace health insurance plan utilizing subsidies from


Work with a Licensed Agent

When you’re searching for a health insurance plan, it’s important to find a professional who can give you all the advice you need. A health insurance agent can advocate for you in negotiations with insurers, help you navigate through life changes, and help you re-shop during open enrollment. The regulations surrounding health insurance are changing all the time, and using a licensed agent is a much better choice. A licensed agent will be familiar with the various types of plans available and will know which ones are best for your needs.

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How It Works

As an independent broker we are able to provide you with insurance plans from different carriers. Compare benefits, check rates, and enroll.

need coverage health insurance


Tell Us About You

Enter your Zip Code, DOB, and Doctors you want In Network

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Review Available Plans

Review your savings eligibility and compare plans

enroll health insurance


Enroll in a Plan

Congratulations. Your coverage will start the first day of the following month

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Affordable Care Act health insurance?

ACA health plans are designed to give health coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions. These plans are designed to offer premium subsidies that (Advanced Premium Tax Credit).

When Can I Sign Up for ACA Health Plan?

You can sign up for an ACA health plan during the Open Enrollment Period that runs from November 1st to December 15th. Otherwise, you can enroll during a Special Enrollment Period if you have a Qualifying Life Event.

How Many Days After a Qualifying Life Event do I have to Enroll in a Health Plan?

You have 60 days from the Qualifying Life Event to enroll in a health plan.

What is an out-of-network provider?

An out-of-network provider is a doctor, care professional (nurse practitioner, anesthesiologist, etc.) or facility (hospital, lab processing facility, ambulatory surgery center, etc.) that is not part of your health plan’s network.

Your health insurance plan negotiates with healthcare providers and facilities to provide services at lower rates, and that’s how doctors and hospitals become part of the network. Out-of-network providers do not have contracts with the health insurance company.

I have gone to an in-network hospital. All of the providers there are in network, right?

Not necessarily. For example, if you go to a network hospital to get an MRI, the doctor reading the MRI may not be in the network. That doctor may charge the full price for the service, not the lower negotiated rate allowed for a network provider.

What if I have an emergency?

In a true emergency, you should visit the nearest emergency room. If you receive emergency services from an out-of-network doctor or hospital, your costs may be more than they would be from a network provider. And, you may also be billed for the difference between what the provider charges and what your health insurance plan allows.

Will I get penalized for not having health insurance?

No. The health insurance penalty is no longer in effect according to the ACA act. You can decline to have health insurance, but you will be liable to pay you healthcare cost if you are not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare.

Can you have an hsa with a ppo plan?

Yes. You can have an HSA account if you are enrolled in a HDHP high deductible health plan with deductible meeting the minimum amount determined by CMS each year.

Does medical insurance cover out of state?

All ACA medical plans cover your emergency medical expenses out of state. For routine medical visits and testing you may not be covered out of state if you have HMO plan. Some PPO plans cover out of state but at a higher out of pocket cost.

Best primary doctors that take Ambetter insurance

To find the best primary doctors that take Ambetter insurance, you can work with your insurance agent to research the health plan providers directory.

Individual health insurance broker near me

You can find an individual health broker by scheduling a call to speak an agent licensed in your state.

Do ACA plans cover Dental and Vision too?

Some ACA plans offer Dental and vision coverage for Adults and other do not. However, most ACA plans offer Dental and Vision coverage for kids until age 19.

How much does ACA health plan cost?

ACA health plans cost range based on many factors. Age and plan type (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) affects the rate. For example a Bronze plan have a high deductible and thus a low premium. However, you can find plans as low as $1 month.

Can I Sign Up All My Family Members on The Same Health Plan?

Yes. You can add your spouse and dependents (under 26 years old) to the same health plan. We encourage you to add all your dependents and check for subsidy.

What happens when I use an out-of-network hospital or provider?

Your out-of-pockets costs (like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles) will be higher. That is because you are charged the full price for a service, and not the lower, negotiated rate you would pay through the health insurance plan network.

What is an allowable charge?

An allowable charge (sometimes called the allowed amount) is the amount the health insurance company allows for a covered health care service. Another term is “Maximum Allowable Fee”

What is balance billing?

Balance billing is when an out-of-network provider bills you for the difference int their charge and what the your health insurance plan will allow. For example, let’s say an out-of-network doctor charges $100 to review your MRI, but your plan will only allow for $70. The doctor may bill for the remaining $30 in addition to what you may owe for your deductible or coinsurance.

What is health on exchange?

Health insurance plans that are offered on the healthcare marketplace place like, or Connect4healthco, or, or any other state run health exchange platform.

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